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Mary Lowndes private view

As part of her Gold Arts Leadership project, Upper Sixth pupil Ellie curated the exhibition ‘Mary Lowndes: From Chapel windows to the art of protest’.

The work of Mary Lowndes played an enormous part in spreading the message of Women’s Suffrage through peaceful protest, demonstrating the power of bold slogans and creative design. In particular, her self-published pamphlet Banners and Banner-Making conveyed her desire to share the importance of protest, and empowered other women to join the movement and make a difference.

By exploring Mary Lowndes and her historical relevance, Eastbourne College Arts pupils have produced a brilliant range of pieces over the past two terms, which are now on show in the Nugee Building.

Eastbourne College creative arts Eastbourne College creative arts Eastbourne College creative arts

Eastbourne College Creative arts