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Sixth-form pupil Alex receives the National Finance Award

Eastbourne College is proud to announce that Sixth-form pupil Alex , has been awarded the prestigious Fundamentals of Financial Services Outstanding Achievement Award by the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (CISI) after achieving a perfect score of 100% on his exam.

Alex studied for the CISI qualification during Year 12 and is the first pupil in the school’s history to receive this award. He expressed his delight, saying, “I am delighted to receive this award, which should set me up well to enter the world of finance. My goal now is to achieve the A-Level grades I need to study Economics at Bath and ultimately work in investment banking in London. Studying the CISI qualification has inspired me to pursue this career, as I enjoy the mix of analytical thinking and soft skills, such as integrity, that finance requires.”

Eastbourne College offers the CISI course as an additional vocational qualification alongside A-levels for students interested in finance careers. Notably, only eleven schools and colleges nationally offer this qualification, with Eastbourne College being one of just two schools in Sussex to do so.

Jon Bathard-Smith, Head of Business and Economics at Eastbourne College, commented, “We are very proud of Alex for achieving full marks in this challenging exam. He worked hard and thoroughly deserves this recognition.”

The Business and Economics department at Eastbourne College provides a range of courses for sixth form pupils. The department’s rich curriculum includes national competitions and talks from high-profile speakers, preparing students for future academic and professional endeavors.

Eastbourne College is proud to offer this valuable qualification, thanks to its experienced staff and commitment to exceptional educational opportunities.

To read more on Alex’s achievement follow the link below.

Eastbourne College pupil awarded national finance qualification with perfect score