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Service at School

Service at School

There is an expectation of pupils giving service at school, an understanding embodied in the College’s values of courtesy, kindness and service to others. Service is expected in all facets of school life. There are opportunities for greater focus through the CCF and in the service at school (S@S) programmes.

In Year 11, pupils can elect to continue with CCF or choose the alternative S@S option. Only when they reach the Upper Sixth can pupils opt out of participating in some form of service component, though many continue to do so.

eastbourne college curricular enrichment service at school cheque giving


Programme Overview

The service at school programme takes place on Wednesday afternoons throughout the academic year. There is a wide range of activities within the programme, all of which are aimed at increasing awareness of the needs of others.

In preparation for the more challenging aspects of the S@S programme facing sixth form pupils, Year 11 pupils follow a programme which prepares them for interaction with the very young, the elderly and disabled people which is at the heart of the sixth-form programme. The pre-S@S programme includes site visits, external speakers, research tasks and group work. Themes covered include the skills needed in various areas of community work; the role of volunteer groups such as the RNLI; the role of overseas charities; the work of charities that help children in the UK; the work of Amnesty International; human rights issues; support for the Love-in-a-Box charity; and the planning of entertainments and Christmas parties for residents of local retirement homes. 

Sixth-form pupils choose either to provide benefit to the College or to the local community in some way, or to develop skills that might be employed in community service at some later point.

Recent S@S Activities

Amnesty International

Campaigning on behalf of prisoners of conscience throughout the world

Assistant sports coaches

Helping to coach junior games sessions

Beach clean up

Environmental beach project helping to pick up litter

College archives

Assisting the College archivists in their work to maintain historical records of the College and its activities

College charities

Organising fundraising events in support of the College’s chosen charities

Conservation and gardening

Identifying and beautifying neglected places in the local area and on the College campus

Chaseley Trust

Assisting with activities for residents at a local home for disabled people

Maintaining and embelleshing the garden at a local home for disabled people

Charity shops

Assisting in sorting goods and serving customers at a number of local charity shops

Computer buddies

Helping local residents to use IT facilities at Eastbourne library


Directing Year 9 house drama groups

Eastbourne foodbank

Helping to sort donations at the local foodbank

Eastbourne Schools Partnership homework club

Supporting pupils from local state secondary schools with homework and revision tasks


Visiting residents in local retirement homes


Managing the recycling provision around classrooms in the school

Generation gap

Visiting local elderly residents

Language assistants

Native speakers of other languages provide support and conversation opportunities for younger pupils learning new languages


Completing a pool lifeguarding course

Litter patrol

Clearing rubbish from the streets in the immediate vicinity of College



Journalism on the College newspaper

LRC assistance

Supporting the school library staff

Wednesday Club

Providing hospitality and entertainment for a group of elderly visitors to the College

Netball coaching

Attending a certified course for new coaches to develop coaching skills and technical knowledge. This enables pupils to visit local schools to coach netball

Pillowcase clothing

Making simple clothes to send to orphanages in Africa

PIPS (Pupils In Primary Schools)

Assisting teachers in local primary schools, both inside and outside the classroom

Queen Alexandra Cottage Homes

Visiting residents in local nursing homes and sheltered accommodation

Scouting movement

Acting as leaders and helpers at local Brownies, Rainbows and Scout groups


Helping to maintain the wheelchairs provided in the local Beacon Centre

Silver surfers

Providing IT training for local elderly people in the College IT Department

Start rugby coaching

Attending a certified course for new coaches to develop coaching skills and technical knowledge. Pupils then go out and coach in local schools

Sussex Wildlife Trust

Making bird boxes for a local wildlife charity

Winter night shelter

Helping to set up night shelters for the homeless in local churches