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Andrew's Prep



Understanding and mastering the latest technology and languages

The work of the Computing Department supports pupils in their other subjects, and the courses we teach reflect this. We aim not only to give pupils the tools to be able to make the correct choices when solving problems that arise across the curriculum, but also to give pupils the confidence in using a wide range of modern devices.


Our classrooms are equipped with networked desktop computers, classroom printers and interactive whiteboards and projectors, and we provide tablet devices to support the various programming environments used.

“Information technology and business are inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without them talking about the other.”
Bill Gates

Department Overview

In Year 9, we provide pupils with a broad experience in computing, including developing programmes and understanding how different types of hardware work together. All Year 9 pupils are issued with iPads and they are introduced to the Python language and Swift Playgrounds environment.

Pupils can opt to extend their study of computing by choosing the GCSE course. This is a qualification which extends the use of various programming environments (such as Python) and innovatively uses modern devices.

For any pupil who would like to continue the study of computing beyond GCSE we offer an A level in computing where the main focus is to extend knowledge of programming. The A level has a high mathematical content.

Our sixth formers also have the opportunity to complete a qualification called ECDL. Many universities regard it as important and are keen to see it on application forms to ensure their future students possess practical computer skills.

Beyond the Classroom

We encourage pupils to participate in the Informatics Olympiad, a programming challenge for able programmers or pupils interested in programming.

We offer an esports activity as part of the Year 9 and 10 programme. We have played matches against other schools with similar clubs. The esports we play are  mainly Rocket League, eFootball, FIFA23, Fortnite. It is a popular activity which we are always looking to expand and grow. We can provide controllers and headsets.